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Showing posts with label library. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 September 2013

New Maths Books in the Library

Lots of new books have just arrived at the SNU library, and especially ones related to algebra!

Title Author Publisher
1 An Introduction to Abstract Algebra Robinson, Derek J S Hindustan Book Agency
2 Basic Abstract Algebra Bhattacharya,P  Bet al Cambridge University Press
3 Basic Algebra Cohn, P M  Springer India
Algebra, Vols I to IV Luthar and Passi  Narosa
Basic Quadratic Forms Gerstein, Larry J American Mathematical Society 
Class Field Theory Artin, Emil W.A. Benjamin 
Commutative Algebra with a View toward Algebraic Geometry Eisenbud, David Springer
Exercises in Modules and Rings Lam, T Y  Springer 
Exercises in Classical Ring Theory Lam, T Y Springer 
Introduction to Ring Theory Cohn, P M Springer 
11 The Classical Groups Weyl, Hermann Hindustan Book Agency
12 Undergraduate Algebra Lang, Serge  Springer
13 Abstract Algebra Dummit, David S Wiley
14 An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography Hoffstein, Jeffrey Springer
15 Finite Fields and Applications Mullen, Gary L  American Mathematical Society
16 Further Algebra and Applications Cohn, P M Springer 
17 Combinatorial Techniques Sane,Sharad S   Hindustan Book Agency
18 A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory Ireland,Kenneth F Springer India
19 A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography Koblitz, Neal Springer India
Elementary Number theory Jones, Gareth A Springer
21 Introduction to Analytic Number Theory Apostol Narosa 
22 Elementary  Number Theory  Krishnan, V K Universities Press 
23 An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series Dyke, P P G Springer
24 A Course in Calculus and Real analysis Ghorpade, Sudhir Springer
25 A Course in Multivariable Calculus and Analysis Ghorpade, Sudhir Springer
26 Complex Made Simple Ullrich, David C, American Mathematical Society 
27 Complex Numbers from A to …Z Andreescu and Andrica Birkhauser 
28 Differential Equations Ross, Shepley L Wiley India
29 Introduction to Calculus and Classical Analysis Hijab, O Springer 
Real Mathematical Analysis Pugh, C C Springer 
Introduction to Measure and Integration Rana, I K Narosa 
System Dynamics Palm, William J  Tata McGraw Hill
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance Williams, R J  American Mathematical Society
34 Geometry for College Students Isaacs, I Martin Brooks/Cole
35 Morse Theory Milnor, John W Hindustan Book Agency 
36 Graph Theory Diestel, Reinhard Springer 
37 Connected at Infinity  Bhatia, Rajendra Hindustan Book Agency
38 Connected at Infinity II Bhatia, Rajendra Hindustan Book Agency
39 Mathematics and its History Stillwell, John  Springer
An Introduction to Numerical Analysis Atkinson, Kendall E Wiley India
Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation Jain, Iyengar and Jain New Age International
Linear Programming  Hadley  Narosa 
Operations Research  Taha, Hamdy A  Pearson 
Differential Equations with Mathematica   Abell and Braselton   Morgan Kauffmann  
Mathematical Modelling with Case Studies  Barnes and Fulford  CRC Press 

Friday, 10 August 2012

The SNU Maths Library

The SNU Library now has a very nice collection of Maths books. Not just the usual textbooks, but books that make the subject accessible, and enjoyable, to a wide audience. Here are some that will show you new aspects of Mathematics, or explain things more lucidly than you might have seen before, or simply entertain. Clicking on the covers will take you to readers' reviews on Amazon.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Journals for Students

The SNU library now offers online access to many maths journals from the campus. The main repositories are JSTOR and SpringerLink. Some are particularly good for students:

American Mathematical Monthly "Publishes articles, as well as notes and other features, about mathematics and the profession. Its readers span a broad spectrum of mathematical interests, and include professional mathematicians as well as students of mathematics at all collegiate levels."

College Mathematics Journal "Emphasizes the first two years of the college curriculum. The journal contains a wealth of material for teachers and students."

Mathematical Gazette "The original journal of the Mathematical Association and it is now over a century old. Its readership is a mixture of school teachers, college and university lecturers, educationalists and others with an interest in mathematics" 

Mathematical Intelligencer "Not only does The Mathematical Intelligencer inform a broad audience of mathematicians and the wider intellectual community, it also entertains. Throughout, the journal, humor, puzzles, poetry, fiction, and art can be found. The journal also features information on emergent mathematical communities around the world, new interdisciplinary trends, and relations between mathematics and other areas of culture."

Once on campus, you should be able to access all of these!