The Institute for Innovations and Inventions with Mathematics and IT (IIIMIT) is a research institute of the Shiv Nadar University and has been launched in collaboration with the Mathematical Sciences Foundation, New Delhi. Its mission is to give an impetus to mathematics and IT based innovations and inventions; to enrich mathematics education; and in general to engender innovation and implant it into the fabric of Indian life and work.
Computational Finance - Prof Sunil Bowry is leading this group, which also includes faculty members from the departments of Computer Science, Economics and Mathematics. The group will combine research with a focus on India with the development of teaching and training programs. IIIMIT has already taught a semester course "Excel in Business" to students of actuarial & financial mathematics in Kashmir under an MOU with the Islamic University of Science & Technology, Awantipora.
Mathematics Education - IIIMIT is teaming up with other SNF initiatives such as Vidyagyaan and Shiksha. We plan to carry out extensive field observations leading to a fresh look at the mathematics curriculum and teaching practices, including the use of technology.
Adjunct Faculty - IIIMIT will support regular visits & workshop participation by faculty based in other institutions.
Student Internships - A key mission of IIIMIT is the involvement of students in our research activities.
Inviting All Young Minds - A one month residential summer internship program that MSF organised in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The 2013 edition will be hosted by IIIMIT at SNU. Details will be available soon.
Mathematics Education - IIIMIT is teaming up with other SNF initiatives such as Vidyagyaan and Shiksha. We plan to carry out extensive field observations leading to a fresh look at the mathematics curriculum and teaching practices, including the use of technology.
Adjunct Faculty - IIIMIT will support regular visits & workshop participation by faculty based in other institutions.
Student Internships - A key mission of IIIMIT is the involvement of students in our research activities.
Inviting All Young Minds - A one month residential summer internship program that MSF organised in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The 2013 edition will be hosted by IIIMIT at SNU. Details will be available soon.
Amber Habib
S K Tandon
L M Saha
Manju Lata Agarwal
Ajit Kumar - Dept of Mathematics
Charu Sharma - Dept of Mathematics
Neha Gupta - Dept of Mathematics
Neha Gupta - Dept of Mathematics
Niteesh Sahni - Dept of Mathematics
Rajeev Kumar - Dept of Computer Science
Rajeev Kumar - Dept of Computer Science
Sanjeev Agrawal - Dept of Mathematics
Sneh Lata - Dept of Mathematics
Shubhro Bhattacharya - Dept of Economics
Shubhro Bhattacharya - Dept of Economics
Sudeepto Bhattacharya - Dept of Mathematics
Sunil Bowry - School of Business
Sunil Bowry - School of Business
Program Manager
Ziaur Rehman