Course information, class updates, notes, references, projects ...

Saturday, 28 January 2012

BS Mathematics - Calculus I - Course Instructions

  • The main text for the course is Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals by James Stewart, 1st edition, Cengage, 2011. Please immediately issue a copy from the Library. You will be required to bring this book to each class.
  • There will be three lectures and two tutorials every week.
  • There will be fortnightly assignments. Part A of each assignment will be discussed in tutorials, and students will be allotted problems for presentation. Part B is meant for written submission. The problems will mainly be assigned from the exercises in Stewart.
  • It is expected that about 10 assignments will be distributed during the course. You will then be allowed to drop your worst two assignment marks.
  • No late submissions will be accepted. The only leeway for taking care of special circumstances is provided by the above-mentioned dropping of your worst two assignment marks.
  • Attendance will be taken in each class. Be aware that SNU requires a minimum of 70% attendance separately in lectures and tutorials. No further waiver is given beyond this 30%, even for illness.
1. Functions & Graphs, Limits, Continuity, Derivatives, L’Hôpital’s Rule
2.  Higher derivatives, Maxima/ Minima, Curve sketching
3. Area & Integration, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Techniques of integration, Improper integrals
4. Applications to Area, Volume, Arc-Length
5. Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates
6. Several variables: Level curves, limits & continuity, partial derivatives, tangent planes, chain rule, directional derivative, gradient, Maxima/Minima, Lagrange multipliers

Further References:
1.       The Calculus Lifesaver by A Banner, Princeton, 2007.
2.       Calculus and Analytic Geometry by G B Thomas and R L Finney, 9th edition, Pearson.
3.       Basic Multivariable Calculus by J E Marsden, A J Tromba and A Weinstein, 1st edition, Springer (India), 2011.
4.       Calculus by Ken Binmore and Joan Davies, 1st edition, Cambridge, 2010.

Final Exam
Midterm Exam
Class Performance

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Sale of Required Textbooks

ODE Course Statistics

Here are some summary data for the ODE course taught in the last semester:

(Provisional) Grade Distribution:

A A- B B- C C- D F
34 35 64 55 31 17 12 6

Histogram of Final Exam Marks (%):

Final Exam Mean = 59%

Final Exam Median = 60%

Standard Deviation =  17%

Interquartile Range = 24%